Tuesday 25 February 2014

Recommended YouTube channels

- Is that a wristwatch on the right? -

Every now and then you'll see me post YouTube videos from myself or others here on the website. I like watching YouTube videos before or after buying a certain Tamagotchi to see what it's features are and if it's a Japanese version it's good to find out where certain things are and what they mean.

I have a few trusted channels I go to first whenever I want to watch a video about a Tamagotchi and figured I should share them with you guys.

AtlanticRaven <- Click here for the channel on YouTube

A woman who lives on a island (not sure where) which sounds to be a little remote from what she comments every now and then.

She has a huge collection of Tamagotchi's and mainly makes videos about unboxing them and showing their features. She has a gentle voice and good quality video's which is nice to watch and listen to. She also doesn't take forever to open a box (really, some people take 5 minutes before they even open the box). She corrects mistakes if she discovers them afterwards. She really seems to know her stuff and her channel is the first one I go to for checking out Tamagotchi's I'm considering to purchase or just received in the mail. Highly recommended if you want to watch a quick yet informing unboxing.

RaTamaZone <- Click here for the channel on YouTube

A guy who has again, a huge collection of Tamagotchi's.

The go-to channel if you want to know secrets about Tamagotchi's (hidden characters). Also great for looking at Tamagotchi items that are very rare, like TamaTama Market and the Tamagotchi game center. Also has video's which teach you how to draw certain Tamagotchi characters which is pretty cool. The quality of the video's is good although the volume of his voice varies sometimes from video to video but there's always your own volume settings which you can change to suit.

Recommended if you want to learn about special features, characters or Tamagotchi related items.

GotchiBR <- Click here for the channel on YouTube

I don't know anything about the person behind this channel.

In Japan there are animated TV-series about Tamagotchi. This channel has over 60 full episodes of the animated series. Eventhough I don't understand Japanese, it's rather easy to follow the storyline. It's meant for little kids, so it's very outspoken in it's animations.

You can see a trailer for the animated TV-series below:

MstrBlinky <- Click here for the channel on YouTube

This channel is from a guy which I guess is from my country, The Netherlands. I think this because he uses a store card for a Dutch grocery store in one of his videos.

MstrBlinky likes to show you how to modify or hack Tamagotchi's. Anything from changing the faceplate of you Tamagotchi Friends to changing the software of your P's. He doesn't always explain in great detail how he does certain things (mostly the software modifications), but he does usually share the files you need to do things yourself. The video's are clear and don't drag on. Sometimes there can be some annoying music running in the back, but I haven't heard him actually speak, so it's safe to just turn the sound off if you don't like the background music.

Do you have any YouTube channels I should really go and check out? Post them in the comments section below.

Monday 24 February 2014

Update on Perotchi

- My cute little Perotchi -

As you can probably tell from the picture above, Perotchi has married and had a little baby! I married her to Kuromametchi.

She had collected all her stickers and during the weekend I have the time to take care of a toddler so I married her off this past weekend.

- So romantic -

You know how it goes: they have a few dates. Walk in the park in the moonlight and BOOM! there's an egg!

- Perotchi leaving after the baby goes to sleep -

It was also Perotchi's birthday that day. How fitting!
I'm really excited to see what this baby girl will grow up to be. I've had Mametchi and Perotchi so far and some really cute teens. I won't update the progress on this iDL every day, since it's kinda the same all the time.

If you are wondering what character my iDL is at this moment, you can always check the right upper menu of this blog to see what my current character is.

And just a small update on my Morino; it's in it's cocoon now! I'm checking the temperature and will pause him during the night when I'm asleep. I'm really looking forward to seeing him out of the cocoon. I made sure he was nice and fat and had everthing full when he went into his cocoon.

 - My Morino in it's cocoon -

Sunday 23 February 2014

The art of Tamagotchi hiding

- Just wondering how you're going to check on the ones higher up - source

I experience, and I'm sure a lot of you guys out there too, a lot of negativity for going somewhere and placing a Tamagotchi on the table. People not only think you're weird, some even find it rude. And I can't blame them. When I have dinner with my boyfriend or when I'm working at the office, my Tama's are either on pause or tucked away somewhere out of sight.

Now some of you still go to school and have many other reasons for having to hide their Tamagotchi's. We all know about the pencilbag. However, larger Tamagotchi's like the Friends or P's don't always fit in there.

I found a lot of inspiration about hiding Tamagotchi's on TamaTalk. For example:

- Wear it around your neck
- Place it in a pocket of your clothing
- Specially designed ducktape pencilbags with secret pockets (find out more by clicking here )

I'm the kind of person who will just pause them and leave them in my purse during meetings or lunch breaks and the like. If I were to go for these tactics, people would find me even weirder I think, lol.

I also saw some people talk about these pouches which would fit a P's or iDL perfectly: click here. Thanks to SakuraLove for pointing these out! Eventhough you're not really hiding them this way it's still pretty neat.

- This frog is soooo cute! -

Do you have any other ways to hide your Tamagotchi's? Tell me about your tactics on the comments below!

Saturday 22 February 2014

Debugging and modifying

- Opening a Tamagotchi Connection -
WARNING: Trying to debug or modifying your Tamagotchi using the tips and tricks in this entry is at your own risk! I did not test any of these methods or know how to fix certain issues. I just looked these things up on the internet.

Lately I have noticed a few videos on YouTube and some webpages where people explain how to modify or debug a Tamagotchi.

Debugging is when you find a way to enter a special mode on the Tamagotchi where you can actually choose what adult character you want and instantly get it. Sometimes this even gives you the ability to speed up time.

Modifying is when you insert certain hardware or software that is not from Bandai in order to make your Tamagotchi do things it would not otherwise be programmed to do.

Let's start with debugging. I got this process off pixelmood. Here, they explain how you unscrew two plates off the back of a Tamagotchi Connection and then use a pencil to rub on the little dot on the printingplate that says "debug" next to it. It works with multiple types of Tamagotchi's, but not all. The modern versions (P's and iDL's) need a modifying method to debug them. 

Then there are mods. The mod in the video below describes a way to download a game that will instantly give you 200GP without doing anything:

If you go to the YouTube channel of MstrBlinky you will find more video's of modifying  iDL's and P's.

You can also make custom backgrounds for older versions like the P1. The way to do this is again remove both plates on the back to reveal the printboard. You can then easily remove the background paper and change it for a different one. A step by step guide to do this can be found on Necrobones.

Again, all of this is at your own risk. I like my Tamagotchi's the way they are and don't like cheats. But it can ofcourse sprouse up your old Tamagotchi to where you like playing with it again.

Do you have any other good mod or debuggin tips? Share them in the comments below.

Friday 21 February 2014

Unboxing the Tamagotchi Morino!

 - It has arrived! -

About a week after I ordered it from eBay it arrived: my Morino! All the way from Japan in just one week! I'm so pleased.

- Jep, it's from Japan allright! -

The Morino, for those of you who do not know, was also released in Japan in 1997. That makes this Tamagotchi 17 years old. It's a forest type Tamagotchi and has a touch function you need to use whenever it's in danger. 

- Still mint in the box -

There are two ways to hatch the Morino. You have two types of eggs you can choose from at the start. One will hatch a Tamagotchi that will always grow up to be the same adult. The goal is to make it as big as possible. The other one will go from baby to toddler. Then it will become a cocoon. At this stage, you need to control only the temperature of the room. Depending on this temperature (hot or cold) you will get a adult character.

- Package from the back -

It also has a type of screensaver function. After not touching it for a few seconds, the Tamagotchi can be seen flying in between two trees. When you touch a button, your Tamagotchi will appear back up close on the screen.

- The manual is in Japanese ofcourse -

After opening it up, I removed the two old batteries immediatly. Which is a good thing I did, because there was already a small amount of leakage from one of the batteries. Not enough to damage the Tamagotchi luckily.

- Fresh from the box! -

I already hatched my first egg and it surprises my how little care he needs right now in the first hour. I've only fed and played with him to fill up the meters once, and that was half an hour ago. Haven't heard a beep from him since!

I'm really happy to add this cool Morino to my collection. Now it's just waiting for my Angel and my P's!

- My very first Morino egg -

Thursday 20 February 2014

To pierce or not to pierce...

- Some of the pierces for the P's -

I am expecting my new Tamagothi P's to arrive any day now. For the P's it's possible to buy a so called "pierce". A pin like item that is sold seperately from the Tamagotchi which adds certain features like new games, other characters, food, items and locations.

You can check out this wiki to see what all the different pierces do.

Now I stand before the very important question: to pierce or not to pierce? The pierce I'm leaning towards is the one with the hearts, the Love & Melody.

- Love & Melody pierce -

I looked it up on eBay and the cheapest it goes for now is $50 USD. That's very steep if you ask me. It will provide me with a additional game, three food items, additional characters and so forth, but still. My P's itself was $53 USD. I could buy another Tamagotchi for the price of just this one pierce! 

Word on the forums is that the additional game is actually really hard to beat. I was mostly interested in it because of the additional game. Right now I'm running my iDL and man, are those two games getting old! But if it's a really hard game.... even for adults, I'm not quite sure I'd want to spend so much money on it. I don't really care about the extra characters or the wallpaper. New food items are nice but no reason to pay that kind of money for.

I guess I'm just going to wait and see if the pierces get cheaper and if I feel like I still want one after playing with my P's for a while. Maybe I'll buy it if I get tired of the standard stuff and want something new to explore.

If you have a P's, you can vote on the poll on the right if you have a pierce and if so, which one. You can also leave a comment below to tell me about the pierce(s) you got and how you like them. I'd really appreciate some advice on which ones to get or to avoid and the prices to pay.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Fun facts section

 - Did you know that the Chibi Tamagotchi is the smallest Tamagotchi in the world? It's 2/3 the size of a regular Tamagotchi and comes on a keychain. - source

I thought it would be fun to add a "Fun Facts" section to the blog. I'll search the web for fun facts you might not know about Tamagotchi's and place them in the special "Fun Facts" section on the right menu bar of the website.

If you have suggestions for a fun fact, please leave a comment below and make sure you also mention the source where you got the fact from. If a fact I post is incorrect, please let me know in the comments below as well.

Hope you like the new section!

- Did you know that in 1998, a special Tamagotchi was released after a populair Japanese comedian named Tamao Nakamura? It's called the TamaOtch and was only released in Japan - source