Monday 17 February 2014

Update on Mametchi

 - Mametchi enjoying the view -

You probably haven't noticed because I had my blog set to autopost (pre-wrote the last few articles before I left) but I was on holiday last week in Germany!

I took Mametchi with me and we had a great time in the sauna:

- Mametchi relaxing in the sauna - 

And the bubble bath:
After a few days I had collected all the joy stickers and decided it was time for Mametchi to go on a date with a cute girl. They went to the park and out to dinner, basically had a good old time together and before I knew it: a egg appeared! It hatched soon after and Mametchi and his new baby girl played a game together. His baby got tired and fell asleep. He then left the house.

- The two lovebirds falling in love -

- Mametchi and his egg and after him and his newborn baby daughter playing -

- Momoirotchi calling me after Mametchi left -

Momoirotchi became Rolutchi! -

- And Rolutchi became Sabosabotchi -

And now, all grown up, I present to you:
- Perotchi eating dinner with her daddy Mametchi -

So this is where we are now. Perotchi just became a adult today so I'll be dragging her along atleast until next weekend. I'll keep you posted on her progress and will post other Tamagotchi related articles in the meantime, so be sure to check my blog regularly for new info and articles!

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