Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Playing with a Tamagotchi makes you a freak

 - How I feel sometimes -

As I'm sure you have discovered by now I'm 27 years old. I wouldn't say I am the greatest Tamagotchi fan ever, but I do love to play with my Tamagotchi's. I don't collect them for their value. I don't buy plushies or other items. I just like playing with them (hence why they're all out of their boxes, even limited editions).

This is the response I got on my Facebookpage after posting about my new iDL e: (it's in Dutch, but I assume we all understand what "wtf" means...)

- Yes, that's a quokka as my profile picture :-p -

Interpret this however you want. I know this person and the people who liked the comment. I know what this person means is: "This is crazy". As you can see, some other people just "liked" the post. I do have friends that think it's cool. But the "wtf" response says it all for me: some people think I'm a freak.

Maybe some of my friends do too, but are too scared to tell me. I don't know. It's a shame it's such a taboo subject. Many people like to play Candy Crush or other such games on their phone. Nobody has a "wtf" opinion about that, right? Nobody thinks that's really immature and gives you a funny look when you post about reaching level *** on Facebook...

- I made this meme especially for this blog. You are ofcourse allowed to use it -

I was at a kids party a few weeks ago and this kid got a new Furby for his birthday. As I am also a Furby fan I saw him struggling with what to do with the thing. His parents obviously had no clue. So I came over to where he was, asked for his dad's iPad, installed the free app and showed the child how it worked. The kid was elated. He loved the app and immediatly ran off to a corner so he could spend some quality time with his Furby and dad's iPad.

Meanwhile, I looked around and saw a bunch of adults staring at me like: "Whats up with this chick??". I proudly explained that I own one exactly like his myself and I really enjoy all virtual life. More blank stares... *sigh*

I guess blogging about it won't make much of a difference. If only Bandai would make Tamagotchi's targeted at adults (which will never ever happen), maybe it would change. 

Everybody has their odd interests right? Some collect coins or stamps. Maybe they like art or have a particular taste in music thats very different to the general public. Except our hobby is right out there. We can't put on a set of headphones and nobody knows what we're listening to. We can't go home and secretly look at our coins or stamps without anybody knowing we collect them (well, if you never take Tama's out of boxes maybe).

I should just shrugg it off and think "whatever dude" and move on. It's my life, my Tamagotchi's and I love them. And if that's a problem for you then I guess that sucks on your part.

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